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Plus de détailsVENA W. CHU CURRICULUM VITAE ... Adaptation of Manning’s equation for remote estimation of supraglacial river discharge using GIS modeling and WorldView-2 satellite imagery. GIScience & Remote ... Moulin distribution and formation on the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet.
Plus de détails3.2.2 The field equations A connection A is said to be a Yang–Mills connection if it is a critical point of the Yang–Mills action. This means that all directional derivatives of SYM vanish at A. We will now see that this condition turns into a second-order partial differential equation for A.
Plus de détailsWhile the Greenland ice sheet is believed to have been in near balance under the relatively cool pre‐1990 climate, ... within relict crevasses and moulins in the ice sheet ablation zone, ... conduction, and production, cryo‐hydrologic warming may be conceptualized as a fourth term in the glacier thermal equation.
Plus de détailsShort communication Monitoring vegetation phenology using MODIS Xiaoyang Zhanga,*, Mark A. Friedla, Crystal B. Schaaf a, Alan H. Strahlera, John C.F. Hodgesa, Feng Gaoa, Bradley C. Reedb, Alfredo Huetec aDepartment of Geography and Center for Remote Sensing, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA bEROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD 57198, USA
Plus de détailsFig. 2.. A schematic showing how transition dates are calculated using minimum and maximum values in the rate of change in curvature. The solid line is an idealized time series of vegetation index data, and the dashed line is the rate of change in curvature from the VI data.
Plus de détailsABSTRACT. In areas where resources are located in patches or discrete locations, human dispersal is more conveniently modeled, in which the population is divided into discrete patches.
Plus de détailsYun Li, Lili Su, Ge Yu, Xiaoyu Guang, Yifei Yang for all the meals and laughters we have together. I would like thank my basketball buddies at the U of I for the good memories on and off the court.
Plus de détailsImaging of the interaction of low-frequency electric fields with biological tissues by optical coherence tomography Adrian F. Peña, Jack Devine, Alexander Doronin, and Igor Meglinski
Plus de détailsThe estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated by CKD-EPI equations . The modified Charlson co-morbidity index (CCI) and Davies co-morbidity index (DCI) at the initiation of dialysis were recorded for each patient.
Plus de détailsA tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in New York.
Plus de détails· Applied Mathematics - Mathematical Epidemiology - Population Biology - Differential Equations. Publications [1] Yijun Lou, Kaihui Liu, Daihai He, Daozhou Gao , Shigui Ruan (2018), Modelling diapause in mosquito population growth, submitted.
Plus de détailsMoulins, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Cases 7012, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13, France ... found their relevance as toy models of four-dimensional Yang–Mills gauge theories [19]. They are known to possess topological solitons [14] and Uhlenbeck [20], in her description of ... the Euler–Lagrange equations (6) are equivalently written as
Plus de détailsThe filter is defined by an ensemble of controlled, stochastic, dynamic systems (the “particles”). Each particle evolves under feedback control based on its own state, and the empirical distribution of …
Plus de détailsYang–Mills theory is a gauge theory based on the SU ... Wolfgang Pauli formulated in 1953 a six-dimensional theory of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, extending the five-dimensional theory of Kaluza, Klein, Fock and others to a higher-dimensional internal space.
Plus de détailsOur approach builds upon a method proposed by Ferragut and Giacomini, whose main ingredients are the calculation of a power series solution of a first order differential equation and the reconstruction of a bivariate polynomial annihilating this power series.
Plus de détailsJeffrey Liu is a 2013 PhD recipient from the Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is currently a Data Scientist at Google working on search quality systems and analytics for the tech giant search engine.
Plus de détailsMoulins inject surface runoff into a transient, subglacial hydrological system exerting primary control on diurnal to multi- day changes in ice sheet basal motion and water pressure (11, 12,
Plus de détailsFusion Formulas and Fusion Procedure for the Yang-Baxter Equation 1381 The second part of the paper is devoted to the study of the endomorphisms F(c),and in turn of the subspaces Wc, for some fundamental solutions R(u).Our interest is to find
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Plus de détailsThis study reports hyperuricemia distribution and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a selected Angolan population. A cross-sectional study in 585 black Africans was performed. Hyperuricemia was defined as uric acid >7.0 mg/dL in men or >5.7 mg/dL in women.
Plus de détailsThis paper presents the dynamic modeling and performance control of a Web server hosted on a private cloud. The cloud hosting Web server is a variable capacity system with two control inputs: 1) the number of virtual machines (VMs), which is indicative of the capacity of the cloud, and 2) the admission control used for regulating workload.
Plus de détailsQiu Yang and Andrew J. Majda, Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Disturbances of Tropical Convection on Synoptic-Scale Equatorial Waves in Two-Dimensional Flows, …
Plus de détailsF. Yang and S. Ruan (1996), A generalization of the Butler-McGehee lemma and its applications in persistence theory, Differential and Integral Equations 9, 1321-1330. S. Ruan and G. Wolkowicz (1995), Uniform persistence in plankton models with delayed nutrient recycling, Canad.
Plus de détailstheory. In particular, I’ll explain how you can start with a representation of a group, G, and construct the corresponding Yang-Mills theory.
Plus de détailsYang et al. have shown that consumption of GT for a long time has a good effect on the BP of old women and clearly decreases BP in hypertension. We found the same hypotensive results. We found the same hypotensive results.
Plus de détailsIntroduction. Rice is a staple food for a majority of the world population (Zhang, 2007).To meet the increasing demand due to natural disasters, human factors and the increasing world population on rice growth and yield, it is important to breed new rice varieties.
Plus de détailsgenerally uses differential equations [Bowman et al., 2005] does not take into consideration the geographical space in which populations operate, except in …
Plus de détailsThe Physics of Gauge Theory Since the early part of the 20th century, it has been understood that the descrip-tion of nature at the subatomic scale requires quantum mechanics. In quantum me- ... the Yang–Mills equations, 0 = d AF = d A ∗ F, where d A is the gauge-covariant
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